Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (RSCA) is a vital part of our University. When faculty get the opportunity to engage in creative activities, they flourish, which in turn translates to our students’ success. We celebrate your accomplishments as a member of our community.
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
With the help of the University Research Council and the University COVID-19 Budget and Logistics Committee, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) has been working to create the necessary application documents in order to restart RSCA activities both on-campus as well as in the field. In light of multiple public health and safety concerns, the SF State administration is cautiously beginning to allow for activities to resume, following the guidance provided by the California State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Office and the San Francisco Department of Public Health.
RSCA is supported by the CSU Chancellor’s Office and SF State’s ORSP. The support of RSCA activities is essential for recruiting, promoting and retaining an inclusive body of faculty. Moreover, the equitable and inclusive opportunities to engage in RSCA align with SF State’s commitment to social by supporting the success and professional development of historically underrepresented faculty. Shared community resources, skill development and open conversations stemming from participating in civic engagement and research-based activities help create new knowledge. Nourishing both professional and intellectual achievements across a broad range of activities, participation in RSCA puts into practice the University’s core value, life of the mind, by continuously pursuing knowledge in search of meaning, purpose and intellectual commitment.