We applaud and recognize the resiliency of our faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your commitment to educational access and student success has been an inspiration. We are here to ensure you have all the resources needed to help you keep teaching during this time and beyond. From everything you need for remote learning to help with your online-course design, we have gathered resources to help you during this time.
Keep Teaching and Beyond Resources
Academic Technology is an important pillar of our campus community and a valuable resource for you. AT supports and advances effective learning, teaching, scholarship and community service with technology. AT collaborates to provide universally accessible solutions for research, implementation, innovation and best practices. AT provides training consultations, professional development, support for virtual and physical learning environments. In support of learning and teaching, including Canvas (SF State’s learning management system, DIVA (digital virtual media archive), Course Stream (Lecture Capture), POWER (workshop registration and scheduling), Lab Space, AT provides technical support for all University web-based technologies.
The Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) is the heart of the university’s commitment to a culture that values and rewards teaching, supports diversity among learners and promotes learning environments that foster social justice and the respectful and vigorous exchange of ideas in which students and faculty thrive and succeed. CEETL recognizes that meaningfully integrating teaching with scholarship and community engagement leads to more fulfilled and successful faculty who feel supported in all aspects of their professional identities and growth and students who are engaged and motivated to learn. In support of the University’s mission and strategic plan, CEETL:
- Provides institutional support for all faculty across all levels of teaching throughout their careers.
- Develops programming and facilitates incentives in support of teaching excellence.
- Offers opportunities for continuing development in pedagogical theory, practice and innovation.
- Communicates about and connects faculty with all teaching-related professional development opportunities at SF State.
- Creates and advocates for a faculty community that is a source of connection, inspiration and reflection.
Teaching & Learning: During this period of shelter-in-place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CEETL staff and faculty are working remotely. For support, you may email iteach@sfsu.edu for group or one-on-one virtual consultations on course design and teaching strategies via our easy-to-use Zoom videoconferencing system.
For more information about how CEETL can support your teaching, please reach out to your CEETL colleagues at this address: ceetl@sfsu.edu.
The Disabilities Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) collaborates with SF State’s diverse community to ensure that all aspects of campus life — learning, working and living — are universally accessible. The DPRC provides the University with resources, education and direct services in order that people with disabilities may have a greater opportunity to achieve social justice and equity.
The Access team working within DPRC is dedicated to supporting faculty, staff and students in creating accessible environments. We monitor the accessibility of electronic information and technology on campus for instructional materials, websites, procurement and training. For more information, visit their Accessible Technology Initiative site.
Wellness in the Virtual Classroom Toolkit takes small steps to support students’ well-being in the virtual classroom can have a profound impact on academic success. Use the practical strategies in this toolkit to build your wellness promotion skills and enhance your teaching pedagogy.
Keep Teaching Resources is a resource center featuring webinar slides, webinar recordings and custom videos.
Just-in-Time Resources looking for information to expand or create your online toolkit of teaching strategies and technologies?
Continuity Tools whether you telecommute regularly or simply need to be able to work from home on occasion, there are tools to ensure that you can continue to perform your job with ease. Online meetings can be held, files can be accessed and stored online via Box, share your computer screen with colleagues, make audio calls via your computer and more!