Departments across SF State offer programs for faculty development and support. Those programs are meant to help faculty hone in and gain new skills as educators, help access resources, help bridge a connection between diverse off-campus communities, as well as help reflect the University’s core values of courage, life of the mind, equity, community and resilience.

Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Within the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development is SF State's Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL). As part of the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, CEETL offers faculty development programming that addresses foundational and specialized teaching and learning theory and practices, with a focus on social justice and inclusion in teaching and learning.
CEETL — the hub connecting all SF State faculty with professional development opportunities to promote equity-minded teaching & learning in support of student success and is the heart of the University's commitment to a culture that values and rewards teaching, supports diversity among learners and promotes learning environments that foster social justice and the respectful and vigorous exchange of ideas in which students and faculty thrive and succeed.
CEETL provides institutional support for all faculty across all levels of teaching, throughout their careers; develops programming and facilitates incentives in support of teaching excellence; offers opportunities for continuing development in pedagogical theory, practice and innovation; communicates about and connects faculty with all teaching-related professional development opportunities at SF State; creates and advocates for a faculty community that is a source of connection, inspiration and reflection.
CEETL Courses and Programs

PIE Certificates
We have organized our faculty development curriculum around four main components, which we refer to as Slices of Pedagogies for Inclusive Excellence (PIE). All of our certificates consist of our Slices of PIE. Once completed, faculty will receive a certificate on a theme related to PIE. Learn More: PIE Certificates.

We offer a variety of online courses, addressing equitable and inclusive online course design. These courses are typically asynchronous and self-paced.
- JEDI Writing PIE
- Online Teaching Lab
- Teaching New and Returning Students
- Teaching Through Transitions

Our micro-courses are short courses focused on one topic. The format is primarily asynchronous, with occasional optional Zoom sessions, and they are designed to be completed in about three hours or less.

We facilitate and foster reflective teaching and learning communities throughout the academic year. These offer multidisciplinary opportunities for faculty to engage in theoretical discussions and reflect on teaching practices within a caring community.

Teaching Portfolio
Our Portfolio workshops offer faculty the opportunity to create and develop their teaching ePortfolio. Learn best practices and basic strategies to start building your teaching portfolio. Showcase your teaching experience, philosophy, accomplishments and potential.
Other Development Resources
Plus, other programs across campus offer development resources and opportunities for faculty. The College of Extended Learning (CEL) at San Francisco State University offers a wide variety of continuing adult education courses and programs to prepare you for career advancement, career change or personal growth. And the SF State Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) provides opportunities for women in STEM fields to learn from and support one another through presentations, workshops, and the establishment of mentoring communities.
Other SF State Development Resources
The College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE) offers courses and certificate programs to help you get your start, change careers or advance in the workplace.

Professional Development Courses for Teachers
Series of courses designed to help teachers master the challenges of today's classrooms. The topics covered fall into three main categories: Classroom Management, Special Needs Students and Violence & Harassment in Schools. These interactive online courses provide expert instruction and for your convenience, can be completed at a pace that fits your schedule (but must be completed within the term enrolled).
Teacher Training in Ethnic Studies
The Graduate Certificate in Ethnic Studies provides post-baccalaureate training on inequality, activism and self-determination relevant to communities of color and indigenous peoples to empower professionals in social services, urban planning, public health, education, law enforcement and related fields to better serve racially marginalized populations. Teachers currently employed with a school district may be eligible for a special course rate.
SF State Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) provides opportunities for women in STEM fields to learn from and support one another through presentations, workshops and the establishment of mentoring communities.