Leadership roles across campus are a great way to be at the forefront of initiatives and operations that shape University life. Whether you are already in a role of leadership or are thinking about it, we invite you to take charge of your development as a campus leader by accessing the following resources to learn more about the many components that drive operations at SF State.
Resource Components That Drive Operations at SF State
The goal of the Budget Advisory Council for Academic Affairs is to develop a new budget model that rewards and supports student enrollment, retention and graduation. The Budget Advisory Council will lead this process by meeting regularly, examining our current budget and alternatives, and drafting a proposal for a new model.
The Academic Freedom Committee's charge is guided by the America Association of University Professors’ 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure. Learn more about the A.F.C. at San Francisco State here: Senate Policy #S13-266, Academic Freedom Committee Policy.
The Academic Program Review Committee (APRC) reviews and evaluates the efforts of faculty and administrators to clarify the intellectual vision, range, coherence and currency of each program under program review. The APRC makes recommendations for action and proposes the resources needed to accomplish the program's goals. Want to know more? Take a look at Senate Policy #S13-133, All-University Academic Program Review Committee.
The SF State Academic Senate develops policies and procedures regarding faculty and administrative appointments, curriculum, business and fiscal matters, campus development, academic standards and University goals.
The Baccalaureate Requirements Committee is charged with developing, reviewing, recommending and publicizing the policies, principles and procedures and guidelines that govern university-wide requirements for baccalaureate degrees. Want to know more? Take a look at Senate Policy #S19-255, Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees, Majors, Concentrations, Minors, and Certificates.
Educational Technology Advisory Committee (ETAC) advocates for the faculty needs with respect to all aspects of technology related to supporting effective teaching and Comments restricted to single page learning, scholarly research and creative activities and service. As part of the SF State technology governance structure, ETAC acts as a liaison with other key stakeholders to facilitate needs analysis, and to make recommendations regarding policy, priorities and procedures.
Faculty Development Days are devoted to matters focusing on teaching, research and/or curricular development. Faculty members of departments or programs may decide to use all or part of the time to explore matters of curricular change or pedagogical development and will be expected to participate in Faculty Development Days. See the Academic Senate policy (#S01-216) on Annual Faculty Development Days.
The formation of a permanent funding source for the Faculty and Staff Honors and Awards Committee was accompanied by a request to set up a staff award. This policy sets the committee structure and charges to review and recommend awardees.
The Graduate Council serves as the primary advisory body to the Dean of Graduate Studies and University-wide administrators in the broad areas related to graduate education. Want to learn more? Take a look at Senate Policy #S12-265, Graduate Council.
The Professional Development Council serves to promote a campus environment supportive of professional development” as outlined in Senate Policy #S99-183, Policy on the Professional Development Council Charge and Composition.
The Teacher Credential Committee makes recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education regarding all existing and proposed University teacher credential programs. Want to learn more? Take a look at Senate Policy #S94-146, All-University Teacher Education Committee Policy.
The University Academic Assessment Advisory Committee provides a channel for communication, advice and liaison among Academic Affairs, the Academic Senate and Comments restricted to single page the faculty on an academic assessment. Want to learn more? Take a look at Senate Policy #S99-206, University Academic Assessment Advisory Committee.
The University Committee on Written English Proficiency helps oversee the formal University program in written English proficiency. Want to learn more? Take a look at Senate Policy #S16-14, University Policy on Written English Proficiency.
The University Interdisciplinary Council is charged with developing and fostering interdisciplinary efforts for the benefit of the University as a whole. Want to learn more? Take a look at Senate Policy #S13-74, Interdisciplinary Programs Policy.
The University Sabbatical Committee meets every fall to review leave with pay applications, and make recommendations. Read more here: Senate Policy #S13-018, Leaves with Pay Policy.
The University Tenure and Promotion Committee meets every fall to review applications, and make recommendations. Read more here: Senate Policy #F16-241, Retention, Tenure and Promotion Policy.
- College of Health & Social Sciences College-wide and University-wide Committees
- College of Liberal & Creative Arts Academic Governance and Service
- College of Ethnic Studies CSU Council on Ethnic Studies
- College of Business Strategic Issues Committee
- College of Science & Engineering Anti-Racism Task Force