Stipends can be provided to full- or part-time faculty for the completion of training and professional development activities. Examples of training and professional development constitute attendance in workshops, webinars, or learning communities that provide the development of teaching, learning, and classroom management skills. Stipends cannot be provided for training required by law or CSU policy.
To process stipend requests, the unit hosting the training or professional development opportunity must contact the unit administrator (i.e. college dean or MPP of unit designee) for pre-approval. Departments may then submit the Faculty Training and Professional Development (FTPD) Stipend Request and Approval Form (Docusign link here).
For more information on stipend eligibility and procedures, see the below Guidelines for Faculty Training and Professional Development.
Note: Honorariums and faculty additional pay processes continue to be available for other payment types.
An honorarium is a one-time payment for a special lecture/seminar given by an individual for a specific class or instruction program under the direction of a University faculty member or administrator. If the honorarium is for a University employee, the event must be outside the normal duties and responsibilities and performed outside scheduled work hours. An honorarium is defined as a form of payment and is not considered an additional or overload appointment. Similar to a Performance Bonus, an honorarium does not increase base salary and does not impact benefits, retirement, or any future employment.
- Faculty Additional Pay (2403) is used to appoint full-time faculty unit employees to additional employment that meets the criteria in Article 36 of the CBA between the CSU and the CFA (refer to Attachment A.) Additional employment appointments may be made up to a time base of 25% of full time during the full-time faculty unit employee’s work year. In addition, 10-month or academic year employees may be appointed up to full-time outside of the work year, such as during break periods between academic terms.