
At the time of full-service retirement and upon the authority of the President, the title Emerita/Emeritus shall be conferred on every member of the faculty who has served the University for at least ten years in full-time employment or the aggregated equivalent of at least 10 years of full-time service in part-time employment and be in good standing with the campus community. 

In the Spring semester, the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development will notify the colleges/library of the deadline to submit names of faculty who wish to be considered for Emerita/Emeritus status. Emerita/Emeritus status is granted annually at the end of the spring semester.

Part-time faculty may use the following formula to estimate average AY time base to determine if they meet the years of service criteria:  10 Years FTE / Number of Years Worked = Estimated Average AY Time Base

Example:  Professor N worked continuously for the university for 11 years.   10 years divided by 11 years worked = .909090 time base.  Professor N  would have needed to average a time base of 91% over those 11 years to reach 10 years of full-time equivalent service. 

Spring 2025 Emerita/Emeritus


Privileges of Emeritus status:

The privileges of emeritus faculty members are listed in detail in San Francisco State University policy Emerita/Emeritus Status F14-147. The following is excerpted from that document:

In recognition and appreciation of the professional, scholarly and creative contributions of the faculty before retirement, and an acknowledgment that these activities do not end with retirement, it is the policy of San Francisco State University to honor its distinguished retired faculty with Emerita/Emeritus status, to encourage their continued association with the University and to provide, where possible, for the continued support of their scholarly and creative interests.

Basic privileges of Emerita/Emeritus status shall include:

  • An Emerita/Emeritus faculty identification card
  • Library and technology privileges, including but not limited to Email
  • Use of any special faculty facilities on campus and in the library
  • Use of University recreational facilities
  • Free admission to University athletic and cultural events
  • Invitations to participate in all public ceremonies of the University
  • Invitations to participate in all social functions sponsored by the University
  • Other privileges designated by the President

Emerita/Emeritus faculty are encouraged to participate in the academic life of their department or the library, as well as to continue their own scholarly activities. If in either of these capacities they continue to work at the University, an attempt will be made to offer them the following extended privileges:

  • Free parking, if available after all active faculty and staff members have had their parking needs to be met. For further information, contact the Office of Parking & Transportation.
  • Office and/or laboratory space allocated by the individual department chair or library director after all space needs of their active faculty members have been met.
  • Modest clerical support after all clerical needs of the active faculty members has been met.
  • Right to administer grants, contracts or other research projects funded by resources outside the California State University (CSU) system.